This Sunday we'll be playing at our usual location of Mount Lawley Highschool Carpark. Theres a link on the sidebar with a map, if you've never played there before. 3pm start. It's going to be a scorcher so bring lots of water and sunscreen.
We'll also be re-introducing our midweek sessions, these are typically a little shorter than Sunday's play, so its non-stop pickup action. Again, we'll be playing at MLHS carpark but we're open to suggestions for new court locations. Theres a new basketball court on the south perth foreshore, we definitely have to squeeze a game in there sometime!
Around the country there are a few tournaments going on. I recently went to a pick-up tournament in Adelaide which was great fun, and I'd highly encourage everyone to keep an open mind about interstate tournaments, if you have the time and a little extra cash, its a great way to enhance your polo experience.
You don't have to travel specifically for polo. Almost every state in Australia has a local bike polo club. If you just so happen to be interstate, take a mallet with you and get in contact with the host city. Its always interesting to see how other cities play compared to us, you'll be surprised at how similar everything is, but a change of location and different players is a great mix-up from your regular sunday session so its a great learning experience.
In the next month there is the Australian Bench Minor Tournament hosted in Sydney on the 4/5th of feb, and also the Australia Day Tourney, hosted in Melburn. I'll try my best to announce upcoming tournaments on this site so everyone can keep updated.
If theres one tournament to go to this year its the Australian Hardcourt Bike Polo Championships (which will be in Adelaide this year), the mecca of tournaments in Australia. Last year we had a 3 teams from Perth represent, and hopefully we can match that again this year... currently no date has been announced by Adelaide but rumours suggest mid-May so keep your diaries open and watch this space.

Well, if there was any space to watch it would be I think 2011 will bring more tournaments than ever, hopefully Perth can host some interstate guests in the future. League of Bike Polo is also a great resource, and a great way to keep up with the world of polo, if you haven't registered, do so. Theres a great forum on there with some interesting and entertaining topics.
cya sunday!

ps. for those in Melburn. Will's bike (pictured) has been stolen... keep an eye out for it.
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