A citytrip wouldn’t be complete without a game of polo with the locals. The boys (and girl) from the Adelaide Bicycle Polo Club were nice enough tohost 2 games while we were in town. The first one was on Wednesday in a parking lot in Chinatown. Chris was on an unlucky streak and ran a flat on arriving, but Tom & Nicky had fun playing. We got a bit of a shakedown though, those guys didn’t finish 5th in the nationals for nothing!
The sun was out on Sunday and 14 people showed up to play at the Wakefield tenniscourts. Everyone had a blast and things got pretty hectic playing 7 on 7! The last game was for the official intercontinental polocup and sadly Belgium lost 5-3 to Australia
We met heaps of nice dudes, had fun playing and impressed everybody with the techniques we picked up in Perth!

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