Day one of the National Polo Tournament started off beautiful and sunny but in an untypical kinda Melbourne way it ended with heavy rain.
With 18 teams and a round robin style there are alot of games to be played. Today we played 7. We lost 2, drew 2 and won 3. We got a bit of a tough early draw, coming up against some of the better teams. 2 of our games we played on a very wet and slippery court.
We are fairing well, tho tomorrow we will be playing 9 more games and then hopefully, the finals which maybe another 5 games.
Beers have been rationed and carefully monitored, there is no room for drunken polo here.
There is a great crew here and it is awesome to be amoungst so many polo players.
More updates later and some pics when i get home and have a chance to dump a million pics from my camera.
Team Piss Corner Polo.