Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Unfortunately we have been asked to stop playing at the Colonnade carpark. We will do so respectfully and are grateful to have played in such a great location for however long we did.

Now, we are in search for a new location.

Here are some things to consider when looking for a court.

-Central Location (the closer to the CBD the better)
-Flat Smooth Surface (Concrete is best)
-Edging (So the ball doesnt go miles away)
-Shade (Because Perth is hot, and Bobby is allergic to the sun) (rain too..)
-Lighting (Does it have lights? Will it be bright enough to play polo at night?)

If you can meet 3 of these criteria, then the court has lots of potential. Unless we win lotto and make our own court, the chances of us finding the perfect polo court are pretty slim.


If you have any ideas for a polo court, click the link above and tag your potential location and add a small description and we'll investigate its "potentialness".



1 comment:

  1. I went on the prowl for some venues tonight, and uploaded them to the google maps page with photos. Maybe we should do a scout around on sunday?
