Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Possible new location

So I went for a quick ride and bumped into this. Freshly re-paved carpark literally just around the corner from my place. It looks quite narrow, but to put things into perspective, the oval next to it is a soccer pitch. Its roughly the same width as the colonnade and a little longer.

The 4 arrows are lights. There were only two on when I got there, but there was enough lighting to see the whole carpark. Location is Hensman St, South Perth and the park is Ernest Johnson. Theres also quite a large carpark on the other side, I'll check that out tommorow.

Anyone keen to check it out and play a game of pickup sometime next week? (is South Perth too far from everybody?)


  1. You've got my vote for a weeknight venue, Prawi. I've also found a possible night venue near the freo skate park, but it might be a bit far away for people.

  2. South Perth isn't so bad we should do a Tuesday sesson there
